Tremap GreenSpaces will mark its debut on the UK market at the National Tree Officers Conference (NTOC), on November 7th in Reading, England. Hosted by the Association of Tree Officers, the Institute of Chartered Foresters, the London Tree Officers Association and the Municipal Tree Officers’ Association and with more than 250 green space industry professionals in attendance, the NTOC event serves as the ideal launch venue for the platform.
Tremap GreenSpaces, already used by more than 250 cities and enterprises throughout Europe, introduces to the UK market one of the most innovative green space management software solutions available. It includes game-changing functionalities, such as:
Much more accurate calculation of ecosystem benefits for trees, not simply based on generic (and often less accurate) allometric values;
Integrated support for Greehill digital tree scanning technology
QTRA calculation for trees, native in the software
An app for work teams and tree officers to access and update tree data in the field (also works reliably with zero or poor Internet connectivity)
Smart planning of work tasks (e.g. alerts on long distances between work sites allow more intelligent planning and the reduction of emissions and expenditure, weather sensitive work task planning provides alerts on forecasted inclement weather not compatible with the planned activity).
(In development) UK wide tree canopy datasets integrated into the Tremap GreenSpaces interface and automatic calculation of canopy cover based on regularly updated data.
In pre-launch presentations, Tremap GreenSpaces has already attracted the attention of industry professionals. Alan Rowe (Operations Manager Plymouth City Council) gave an enthusiastic appraisal of the platform’s new functionalities: “There’s nothing like this out there. It’s going to completely change how we work.”
Contact for more information:
Richard Maxwell, Business Development Tremap